Bl5. L.3.1. Preposition of Place UA

Bl5. L.3.1. Preposition of Place UA


Сьогодні ми вивчимо Pros and Cons (плюси і мінуси) покупок онлайн, згадаємо тему магазинів, а також дізнаємося особливості Prepositions of place (прийменників місця).


Useful words:

1. Bookshopкнижковий магазин

2. Butcher shopм'ясна лавка

3. Confectioner – кондитерський магазин

4. Corner shop – магазин на розі, магазин біля будинку

5. Dairy – молочний магазин

6. Delicatessen – гастроном

7. Department store – універмаг

8. Discount storeдисконтний магазин

9. Electrical goods shopмагазин електроніки

10. Grocery – продуктовий магазин

11. Greengrocery– овочевий магазин

12. Market – ринок

13. Supermarket – супермаркет

14. Gift shop – магазин подарунків

15. Florist's – квітковий магазин

16. Hardware shop – господарські товари

17. Shoe shop – взуттєвий магазин

18. Souvenir shop – магазин сувенірів

19. Pharmacy, drugstore, chemist's – аптека

20. Shopping mallторговельний центр


Answer the questions:

1. What is your favorite shopping mall? Why?

2. Do you have a corner shop nearby? Do you like it?

3. Which clothing store do you prefer? Why?

4. Which shops do you visit with your family?

5. When was the last time you were in the electrical goods shop?



Useful words:

Pros and cons плюси і мінуси


Smart shopper розумний покупець

Convenience зручність

Availability доступність

Time–saving збереження часу

Shipping costsвартість доставки

Shipper перевізник, відправник

App прикладна програма

Site сайт

Discount codesзнижкові коди

Thrifty економно

Material матеріал

Reviews відгуки

Consumer споживач



Smart Shopper

For the first time ever online shopping officially overtook brick and mortar (business in a building) shopping in February according to the commerce department. But does shopping online actually mean you’re saving a buck? Renata Di Gregorio compares your traditional shopping cart to the one you click in today’s smart shopper.

If ever there was a time to make a Pro and Con list now. We know you love your online shopping. But how’s it compared to the shopping you actually have to put on pants for? Let’s break it down. Online shopping is at your fingertips 24/7. We  know the “Pro’s”:

  • Convenience (Any product your little heart’s desires*)
  • /t
  • Availability (Especially if what you want isn’t in store)
  • /t
  • Time-saving (Because “Click” is a whole lot faster than trying to find a parking space before Christmas

But if actually setting foot in an establishment is your M.O.

Some Pluses: you  actually get to interact with an item before you drop some change. And customer service is easier. It’s instant impatient. No shipping costs nor return costs. ‘Cause you’re the shipper. And looking to kill some time on Saturday? A shopping trip sounds like a plan. So right now you might be saying “Don’t, Renata, We know this.”

Stay with me. We’re going through it. ‘Cause it’ll come in handy later. Keep in mind online price - comparison can be way easier than driving around to 15 different stores. There are smart shoppers apps and sites for this. Like on “Pricegrabber” you can compare everything. Then if you want - still go to the store. Don’t forget about shipping costs, if you don’t.


Also look for discount codes online! Cool tip. In some stores while you’re there you can find the thing you want to buy on your smartphone at another store for cheaper then see if the store you’re in will match the price. Very thrifty, I know. Alright, so what if you’re shopping for something Specific? Like a TV. Tech advice website “Lifewire” went through our trusty list and here’s their final verdict on prices. Go online for the best deal on a TV. They say most online prices are lower even with shipping. The catch here - research the company you’re buying from and read the fine print.

Second thing we’re shopping for is Clothes. The main consensus on this one is Sales, Sales, Sales. Keep track of online ones and in-store. Because sometimes one is better than the other. If you’re going online, do your research? Are reviews saying the shirt runs big? Is it made out of terrible material? Find out.

For some overall tips, we look to consumer expert Clark Howard.

First: Do you research online to compare prices before going to the store. And see if that store will match prices.

Second. Make a list and don’t impulse buy.

Lastly, check out reviews on your smartphone of something you see in a store.

* heart’s desire - means that you want that person or thing very much

Is this statement true or false?

Online shopping has already overtaken ordinary one.

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Offline shopping is available 24/7.

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Convenience is an advantage of online shopping.

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Time-saving is an advantage of offline shopping.

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Bl5. L.3.1. Preposition of Place UA
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