На сегодняшнем уроке, мы прочитаем интересный текст о болезнях. Выучим новую лексику на тему treatment, и разберем грамматику must/mustn’t и should/shouldn’t.
Useful words:
a cold – простуда
an illness – болезнь
headache – головная боль
earache – боль в ухе
toothache – зубная боль
stomachache – боль в животе
sore throat – боль в горле
flu – грипп
runny nose – насморк
ill – больной
Useful words:
band aid – пластырь
bandage – повязка
drops – капли
ointment – мазь
injection – укол
mixture – микстура
plaster – гипс
syrup – сироп
pills – таблетки
lozenges – леденцы
What behavior is right and what behavior is wrong when seeing a live piece of theater? For many, theater is a longstanding tradition where certain rules are followed and certain courtesies are expected. For others, attending a live production may be new territory and they will rightfully wonder what is expected. Most theater etiquette is common sense, but that doesn’t mean people do not have questions.
Is there a dress code for Broadway?
While there are no specific rules as to what you should wear to the theatre (as long as you are fully clothed), attending a show is a special event that you have most likely paid money to enjoy. No one is suggesting that you wear a tuxedo or a ball gown, but if you think in terms of business casual then you’ll fit right in with the average theatergoer.
When should I arrive at the theatre?
It usually makes sense to arrive at the theatre at least 20 minutes before the start time on your ticket.
Are my seats interchangeable for other seats?
In most cases, seating is not general admission, where you sit anywhere you like. Most theatres have a finite number of seats, so they use a numbering system to keep track of which seats have been sold. If you have an assigned seat, that is where you must sit.
When is it acceptable to use my cell phone at the theatre?
A general rule: If there is a performer on stage and the play is in progress, your cell phone, e-reader, laptop, iPad, etc., should be powered off and put away. It is unfair to the performers and other audience members to be distracted by your devices. At intermission, check if you must, but be sure to turn it off again before the second half commences.
May I talk during the performance?
Unless there is some sort of audience participation component to the play or musical you are seeing, talking should be kept at a bare minimum
May I eat snacks during the performance?
This is a tough one. Candy and cough drops that come in individual wrappers make a great deal of noise, so if food is allowed, please be sure to unwrap snacks and lozenges before the show begins.
Theater etiquette is 99 percent common sense and just requires a little empathy and consideration. If you are ever confused about what to do or how to behave, take a look around at what others are doing. In general, most theatergoers are seasoned in the proper decorum of enjoying a live performance and can steer you in the right direction.
Thanks to: https:/broadwaydirect.com/theater-etiquette-dos-donts-attending-broadway/
Модальный глагол Must используется для обозначения необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных событий/обстоятельств, это некое личное решение, обязательство. Также мы можем использовать must для выражения приказа или строгого совета.
Использовать Mustn’t мы можем при категоричном запрете (когда нельзя что-то делать).
Модальный глагол needn’t выражает отсутствие необходимости в чем-либо. Needn’t употребляется с инфинитивом глагола без частицы to.
Модальный глагол should переводится как «следует/должен». Однако он не такой строгий как must. Используя should мы скорее даем совет, а не приказываем, даём распоряжение. Разберем варианты использования этого модального глагола.
Must/Mustn’t используется для обозначения необходимости совершения действия, для приказа, или настоятельно совета. Mustn’t мы используем, когда есть запрет, отрицательный приказ, настановление.
Should (не такой строгий как must.) мы его используем, чтобы дать совет.