На цьому уроці ми вивчимо прийменнки часу, з'ясуємо історію Чорної п'ятниці і подібних їй свят, дізнаємося кілька порад для шопінгу, а також розберемо лексику по темі продажів.
Useful words:
to put on - надягати предмет одягу
to take off - знімати предмет одягу
to try on - приміряти предмет одягу
to dress up- вбиратися, одягатися для особливого приводу, надягати кращий наряд; надягати маскарадний костюм
to dress down - одягатися зазвичай, просто, по-домашньому
to do up - застібати (на гудзики або іншу застібку), зав'язувати шнурки.
to zip up - застібати на блискавку
to hang up - вішати одяг на гачок, вішалку
to slip on - начепити (одяг)
to throw on - накинути, накинути
to hang out - розвішувати одяг після прання
to go with - підходити за кольором, фасоном, поєднуватися з іншим одягом
to get into - влазити в одяг, яка менше за розміром
to catch on - входити в моду, ставати популярним
to sew up/over - зашивати
to throw off - скидати, скидати одяг
Answer the questions:
Marisa is having a date with Mark tonight. Firstly she dresses up in a beautiful dress. But...
Так, новий список слів і фраз. Їх не так мало, як ви можете зрозуміти, але, як і попередній список, вони будуть потрібні для читання і розуміння наступних текстів.
Useful words:
adopt - приймати себе
turn into - перетвориться в
earn a profit - отримувати прибуток
online retailers - інтернет магазини
encourage - заохочувати, надихати
crowds of people - натовпи людей
wish list - список побажань
to promote - просувати
moneymaker - лихвар
to line up outside store - вишикуватися в чергу біля магазину
special discounts - спеціальні знижки
Singles day
The biggest online shopping day was an “anti-Valentine’s” celebration for single people in China in the 1990s. Alibaba adopted the holiday in 2009, and earned huge profit. You can find this holiday as “Bachelor’s Day”.
In 2017, shoppers spent $25 billion in 24 hours and that's four times more than on Black Friday. It's true that the holiday is more popular in China. But the popularity of Single’s Day is growing in the U.S., Australia, Singapore, Thailand, and other countries with large Chinese populations.
Shopping tip: Don't miss Singles Day, if you want to find good gifts online for dear people, there are good discounts and special offers.
Black Friday: the fourth Friday of November.
Do you know about Thanksgiving? It's related to Black Friday. The department store chain Macy's began advertising its sale on the Friday after Thanksgiving in 1924.
Some people say that Black Friday earned its name by giving the opportunity to businesses, working in the “red” (at a loss) to get enough profit and move “into the black” (profitable) in one day.
Black Friday originated in the US, but it's global now and most major retailers give special offers and discounts.
A lot of shops spend a fortune for advertisements because of the big demand during the fourth Friday of November. Different purchases are available with low prices and it encourages crowds of people to line up even outside stores.
Shopping tip: Make a wish list before you go to buy something. It helps you to be thrifty. Try to be a smart consumer and think about a route between shops.
Cyber Monday
The US National Retail Federation coined the term “Cyber Monday” in 2005 to make something like Black Friday but for online shops. They had a goal to give online retailers their own celebration. So, the holiday is becoming more and more popular in e-commerce stores around the globe. There are deep discounts and a first-come-first-serve mentality.
But if we compare Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you can find out that Cyber Monday provides promotions for an entire 24-hour period because of e-commerce systems. In addition, customers can make a purchase from any place in the world using shipping services. If you have a good plan, you can get everything quickly and save time and a bunch of money too.
Answer the questions due to the text.