Пришло время повторить все пройденное в блоке, закрепим полученные знания, изучим лексику, которая поможет чувствовать себя уверенно в отеле и не заблудиться.
Useful words:
soft drinks – безалкогольные напитки
alcohol – алкоголь/спирт
beef – говядина
pork – свинина
salmon – лосось
rice – рис
dessert – дессерт
soda – содовая/газировка
fat – жирный/жир
porridge – каша
sweet – сладкий
spicy – острый
sour – кислый
bitter – горький
beer – пиво
a sauce – соус
a glass – стакан
a plate – тарелка
a cup – чашка
Useful words:
fish and chips – рыба и чипсы
English breakfast – английский завтрак
donuts – пончики
ham – ветчина
seafood – морепродукты
noodles – лапша
cereal – хлопья
sausages – сосиски
muffins – кексы
cottage pie – деревенский пирог
croissants – круассаны
kebab – шаурма
becon – бекон
dressing – заправка
Мы используем конструкцию would like для того, чтобы выразить желания, просьбы в более вежливой форме. Оно более мягкое, если его сравнивать с want.
Такое обращение очень неформально и часто используется в случаях, когда мы говорим это другу, родственнику, но для незнакомых людей лучше использовать такое предложение:
Такое предложение более вежливое и предпочтительно использовать его. При этом отрицание будет иметь такой вид:
Часто от официанта можно встретить вопросы по типу:
На этом уроке мы повторили важнейшие темы, пройденные в этом блоке: конструкцию used to, все аспекты использования Past Simple и выражение would like. А также выучили слова и блюда, которые можем заказать в ресторане.
В этом блоке мы разобрались с одним из прошедших времён (Past Simple), to be в Past Simple, конструкцией There + to be в прошедшем, кучей неправильных глаголов, повторили сложные вопросы и можем выражать вежливые просьбы через would like.
1) What is your favourite food?
2) What is your least favourite?
3) What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? Did it taste good or bad?
4) Do you like trying new foods?
5) Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you eat now?
6) Do you prefer your own country’s food or other kinds of food?
Read the following clues and guess what food/dish is being described.
This food is soft and it tastes sweet. It is made from cream, sugar and fruit or chocolate. It is eaten very cold, usually in summer.
This food is crunchy and it can be salty or sweet. It is often eaten in the cinema.
This food is hard on the outside, but usually soft in the middle. It is very versatile and is used to make lots of sweet and savoury dishes. In the UK people also eat it on its own for breakfast or in a sandwich.
This food is usually hard and crunchy, and it is red or green in colour. People often use it to make desserts, e.g. pies.
Watch the video.
I'm really enjoying life in a foreign country, however there is always the odd home comfort I really miss (usually food). The other day I was craving nothing more than a good old English breakfast so I searched high and low in the French supermarket to stock up on ingredients to make one. A traditional full English breakfast, also commonly known as a fry up, consists of the following:
This is usually served with ketchup on the side, a glass of orange juice and of course a big cup of tea. Often people are mistaken that this is the kind of thing British people eat at the start of every day but that is rarely the case. A full English is usually something we'd have as a special treat at the weekend for a lazy morning relaxing with friends. I don't think I could have one every day, just imagine eating all that every morning!
A standard breakfast in the UK really varies from person to person. As people have become much more health conscious in recent years, healthy breakfasts and brunches such as homemade smoothies and avocado on toast are becoming really popular. Of course, cereal will always remain a breakfast staple, along with toast and jam or marmalade. Porridge is also a popular breakfast dish, as it's healthy, cheap and really filling.
I am enjoying breakfasts in France, though - fresh bread and croissants from the bakery are a perfect start to my day!
1) What does English breakfast consist of?
2) Is English breakfast healthy?
3) What another breakfast British people prefer?